East Lothian’s MSP Paul McLennan kindly took some time to come down and visit Muirfield Riding Therapy (MRT)’s Centre over the weekend, meeting therapy pony Uist, and sampling some of our fundraising volunteer Agnes Durie’s legendary scones.
The first MRT team member Paul was introduced to was therapy pony Uist. Uist, a Highland pony, is the charity’s oldest, at 27, and most experienced therapy pony. Although no longer ridden, his steady, stoic nature makes him a fantastic pony for our participants in our one-to-one non-ridden sessions.
Mr McLennan said:
It was fantastic to spend time with the team at Muirfield Riding Therapy. The charity is an East Lothian success story and I have heard such good things about their work over the years.
I was able to watch some of the therapy sessions in action and speak to volunteers involved in providing the charity’s service. It was a joy to see the activities with horses clearly promoting physical and mental health.
Paul also met again with our fundraising volunteer, Agnes Durie, and sampled some of her legendary scones. Agnes was his nomination for East Lothian’s Local Hero Award back in September; Paul hosted her at Scottish Parliament where she even met Their Royal Highnesses, King Charlies and Queen Camilla.
The charity’s new term has already started back, so Paul was able to watch some of the therapy sessions in action and speak to volunteers involved in providing the charity’s service. There are 200 volunteers at MRT. The charity provides life-changing equine facilitated therapy is free-of-charge, which involves activities with horses to promote participants’ physical and mental health.
Session volunteer and fundraising manager Debs McLaughlin said,
It was a pleasure to host Paul and his colleague Katie, and not forgetting Katie’s daughter Daisy who loved meeting the ponies too! They were so enthusiastic about the work we do here, and we’re very thankful to them for taking the time to visit us. Uist has a new fan too I think!